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    필리핀 바기오 파인스어학원 연수 진행(Bella’s Favorite ESL Classes)  |  생생한 연수후기! 2022-10-27 15:35:25
    작성자  필통유학 조회  12613   |   추천  265


    Study English in the Philippines | Bella’s Favorite ESL Classes

    Studying English in the Philippines can be one of the fondest memories anyone can achieve because of the people, places, and purpose.



    Pines juniors were excited to come to the Philippines because of the promise of personal improvement and new experiences. Pines has prepared a program for young learners to enhance their English language skills and achieve their desired learning outcomes during the summer camp season.


    Bella, our featured junior student, has six sessions of daytime classes and three sessions of night classes. She wants to share an overview of her three favorite classes.


    1:1- That’s life (Speaking Class)


    She sees herself developing her speaking skills through her speaking class with a learning material called “That’s Life.” The lesson material gives her an authentic exposure to the English language by presenting day-to-day situations like shopping. Her teacher discusses new words that will help her identify the things and scenarios that every shoppers experience. She also adds lesson-related expressions for Bella’s conversation practice.

    1:1- Intensive Pattern 1 (Daily Pattern)

    The Intensive Pattern material focuses on general expressions that will help Bella interact with English speakers. Her teacher discusses the purpose of using the pattern/expression. After going through the possible situations, her teacher focuses on the grammatical structure of the pattern so that when she uses it in a conversation, she sounds confident and accurate. It’s not a wonder that Bella feels more confident in expressing herself because she knows how to expand her ideas through her daily patterns.

    4:1- Practical Composition 1(Writing Class)

    When one says writing class, it doesn’t mean it has to be boring.


    Bella loves her 4:1 writing class because she has a chance to interact and exchange ideas with her classmates before making a composition. On that day, they discussed the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. The topic is relatable for the students because her group is fond of shopping, and they pitched in many ideas. Her teacher showed the process of free writing for their structural composition so they can complete the target task in composing a compare/contrast essay. 
