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카톡상담 QnA게시판 상담예약 등록신청 수속현황 3D시설보기

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    필리핀 세부 CIA어학원 어학연수 후기  |  생생한 연수후기! 2020-02-07 10:21:51
    작성자  필통유학 조회  10577   |   추천  336


    I came here in cia to explore my abilities . And to be independent 

    On the other hand , my cousin also talk so much about how good cia is . Thanks to her , I came to know and get information about CIA. It makes me feel excited, hearing from her about her experience. And it pushed me to brave going aboard for learning english . When i arrived in philippines I could see the difference between korea and philippines espeically the weather





    When i flew from korea it’s winter but when i arrived in philippines it’s super duper hot like it’s summer but this dosen’t stop me from pursuing studying english . The day came that i have to start to study, at first i was very nervous because I don’t have enough confidence espeically in speaking and vocabulary . However , when I met my teachers they help me gradually imporve my knowledge in english . I am very surprised to know that after few weeks of learning I became unstopable in talking in english . My teachers told me that i’m always talkative . On the contary , I have also weak points . Study in grammer and writing is a great challenge for me . But cia educational system is helping students in ESL to improve spelling, vocabulary , organization, and brain storming through writing essays every day . And these essays are being check by writing teacher daily . These kind of teaching method help me imporve some how my writing ability. 






    My schedule is quite tight so , I needed to refresh my self. Thankfully there are agency around cia that could help students visit famous places in cebu for recreation . I have experience visiting one of the famous waterfalls in cebu , kawasan water falls. Together with the package of the tour is to also visit a famous beach in cebu where i can find giant but gentle whale sharks . These experience gave me opportunity to be with other nationalities . Being with them brings me so much joy and fun. So I want to experience more and will soon go for another get away . I looking forward in this another fun experience. In my short time in CIA I had already experince so much that when I go back to my country I will not be able to forget and will forever cherish these beautiful cebu .





    I highly suggest and recommend cebu and CIA to my family and friends and even people I don’t know . For sure, this place will give them nice memories and quality education . CIA will surely take care of whoever will come and study . CIA is also locate around nice restaurants and malls that is convenient . CIA teacher’s are very kind and pretty. CIA staff and managers are also welcoming and warm . The school is clean and nice . CIA will help you have amazing story and experience. To who ever is interested, you can come freely and ask for questions. I’m sure to say that cia has nice quality education from teacher.

    Thank you .

