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    필리핀 세부 CIA어학원 어학연수 후기  |  생생한 연수후기! 2019-11-07 12:54:43
    작성자  필통유학 조회  4152   |   추천  333





    Language training for the first time. 

    I thought about which academy to choose. 

    In particular, I recognized other institutions that have good facilities at first, 

    but I had to start in a hurry and I applied for the CIA language institute which is represented in detail as I was looking for a small number of Koreans. 

    At first, I was worried about going to a place where no one knew anything and no one else knew, 

    but the pick-up manager came out with a cia sign on time, so I could arrive without any problems. 

    I liked the clean room and the facilities better than I thought I'd ever come to the CIA language school.

    Ah! In my personal opinion, I recommend not to use outside dorms such as Errors, 

    but to make many friends while living in domicile and enjoying various activities. It's very comfortable.

    You can study during the week and do whatever you want on the weekends. 

    You can go to the tourist attractions you want, such as Bohol and Boracay. 

    It's good to hold events at the academy, especially since you're very kind and communicative with Korean managers, so you can come here without any worries.





    In my case, my speaking and leasing skills improved a lot 

    because I became very close with the teachers when I was in class 

    but I could talk a lot depending on the situation. 

    First of all, I think it is an environment where English is really poor. 

    I know there are many people who study well without environment, 

    but I thought it would be a good place to study without environment. 

    I used to work for three years before I came here and lived happily ever after. 

    I have a lot of confidence and make friends and talk about myself. 

    If I want to study without stress, I recommend studying Philippine language training. 




    I got my diving license

    I am spending my time with Kawasan and Boracay trips,

    studying hard and studying English gradually increasing. 

    So I hope that those of you who are looking at the latter will come and achieve your goal.




    I'm completely satisfied. Everyone, cheer up.



