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카톡상담 QnA게시판 상담예약 등록신청 수속현황 3D시설보기

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    필리핀 바기오 웨일즈어학원 12주 연수생의 연수 리얼후기   |  생생한 연수후기! 2019-10-08 11:31:49
    작성자  필통유학 조회  2826   |   추천  309





    English is my biggest fear!

    Raise your hand if you also have same problem as mine.

    At the age of 22, I realized the truth, I regret that I didn’t study English earlier.


    Not learning – doesn’t mean I’m bad at English, still I know, I can listen, I can understand little bit but I’ll react if someone talked to me in English.

    And you know what my another fear is I’M AFRAID OF FOREIGNER, I used to get scare because they are too big, if I see foreigner when I’m walking, automatically I’ll hide behind my friend’s back. And then, when I’m 22, I rethink about it, the main reason was probably I didn’t dare to face them because what if they’ll ask me something, I don’t know how to answer them.

    I had a chance to study English for 4 years in middle school, 3 years in high school, also 4 years in university, of course I’m not afraid of grammar, the problem is COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH. I don’t have any confidence in speaking in English except:

    – What’s your name?
    – How old are you?
    – How are you – I’m fine thank you, and you?
    – Good morning; Good afternoon; Good evening; Good night,…
    something like that



    What’s happened after I realized that truth?

    – Firstly, I tried everything that can make me have more interested in studying English, but it was inefficient.

    -Secondly, I took the risk. I decided to do the thing that I’ve never thought about it before that is I borrow money for study abroad.

    – Thirdly, now I’m in Philippines, experiencing ESL course -general English in short-term.

    – Lastly, I really enjoy staying here, I like my study atmosphere in WALES, I like my teachers, I enjoy all meals that school have prepared, I like my room, I also enjoy take taxi to go to out with my friends in the weekend.



    Time flies, I remember I was wondering around Tan Son Nhat airport, check in, immigration, then I was trembling at those questions by customs officer when entering Ninoy Aquino airport in Manila. It has been a month already, a month full of interesting things, I speak English everyday, I can feel that my English has improved; I also have meals together with my Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese friends everyday,… and i also go out to drink 1-2 bottles of beer in the weekend, then we meet again the next day.

    If I haven’t come back by the end of this year yet, there is only reason is I don’t want to leave #WALES!

    I’ll tell you more about my experiences next time.


