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    필리핀 바기오 파인스어학원 연수후기   |  생생한 연수후기! 2019-07-22 14:07:02
    작성자  필통유학 조회  3588   |   추천  367

    pines academy, baguio english academy

     Zaya’s Best Memories in Pines


    My name is Altanzaya from Mongolia. I’m really grateful that I am given a chance to share my feelings and experiences that I encountered here in Baguio City, Philippines.

    Altanzaya in Pines

    In October 2018, I came to Baguio City with the aim to improve my fluency in English language just like others. I chose the Philippines because of their well- known English speaking environment and full time class schedule. I wanted to enhance my Language skill in a short span of time for the reason that I have already finished my university so I needed to get a job immediately. To achieve my goal, I enrolled in Pines International Academy and took EFL classes for 8 weeks in the Main Campus then I decided to take IELTS course for another 8 weeks in Chapis Campus.

    To put it in another way, I experienced to study the most popular courses in both campuses.
    Pines Academy Chapis

    Honestly speaking, I have learned a lot not only English but also Filipino’s culture and lifestyle. I was filled with delight to meet amazing people here due to the fact that they always smile and say,” Thank you”, to each other. They enjoy little things in life which is so amazing. Moreover, I also love this small astonishing city that is called City of Pines.
    Pines Academy

    I really enjoyed everything here like food, culture, nature, weather, and study. For me, Baguio is the most suitable place to study as climate is always stable and the city is full of pine trees so students can be close with nature all the time. Particularly, air in the morning is perfectly refreshing.

    I want to step up my game so I will take the IELTS official test next month in Pines International Academy in Baguio City. Luckily, our academy collaborated with British Council so students who study in PIA can enroll in the official test easily compared to students from the other academies. This is just one of the perks of studying here.
    Pines Academy
    Aside from that, extremely kind staff members here can help students adopt to new atmosphere and find the right way of studying. In the future, if someone will ask me to come back and study here again, I would absolutely say YES and I will recommend this prestigious academy to everyone who is eager to study English in a short period of time.

    I would like to give a tip to everyone. When you come here do not forget to say, “Thank you”, and always BE NICE. As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”!
    Thank you.
