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    필리핀 헬프어학원 학생 후기   |  생생한 연수후기! 2019-06-10 10:54:51
    작성자  필통유학 조회  2560   |   추천  293

    Hello, this is Milly from HELP Longlong Campus.


    There is a Japanese meeting every Thursday at Longlong Campus. This is the only time that all Japanese students from the ESL and test courses gather. At the Japanese meeting the other day, I asked the students how they spent their evening studying.



    The overwhelming majority of students are actively communicating with other students. Currently, the proportion of Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese is higher than that of Japanese, and moreover, Vietnam has grown to be an international school.


    The next most common way to spend the night was to do my homework. When I was a student at Longlong, I had few homework. They even asked me to give them my homework because of the nature of the person who wouldn’t study unless given it.



    One of the students did the writing homework quietly in their study room, which involved 10 sentences according to the teacher’s title. The topic of the day was the weekend, so it seems that it was about the events of the holiday. This student is one of the new students and has a bad consciousness about writing. One-to-one classes are a good thing for teachers to keep up with their students’ level. In addition, the teacher writes words that he did not understand in his notebook.


    It is often said that Japanese people are afraid of making mistakes and don’t make any comments, but if they don’t know the mistakes, they can’t improve. At HELP, teachers basically take notes and write down errors such as grammar and pronunciation spoken by students on the spot. To learn about your weaknesses, start by learning about your mistakes
